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Two Are Better Than One

Without human connection, we wither. John chapter 15 contains the Jesus’ teaching on the vine and the branches. It is evident, when removed from the vine, the branch withers and dies.

When we are separated from out tribe, our people, we experience loneliness, which is sort a withering condition unlike any other. Connection helps give our lives meaning, purpose, joy, and reasons to be hopeful about the future! It also brings us safety, comfort, and peace.

Let's SOAP it!

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (we used The Message Version)


  • Life is better when we aren't alone!

  • Healthy relationships benefit everyone in the relationship.

  • Friends pick each other up and comfort one another in times of need.

  • Strong connections create bonds that are not easily broken.


  • Be grateful for the relationship we have and express it!

  • Share what we have with others!

  • Help out when it's needed AND let others help me when I need it (even thought it's hard to accept help!)

  • Meet the needs that I can meet for other people.

  • Keep an eye out for the lonely and pour into their lives.

  • Stand in the gap and help carry the burdens of my loved ones when they cannot.



Thank you for the beautiful gift of friendship and for wiring us as people who need connection. Today, help me find the right words and best ways to reach out to my loved ones to express my love and gratitude for their presence in my life. Help me to be mindful and watch for the burdens and needs that I can help with. Nudge me to reach out when I sense someone is lonely. Remind me to humbly accept help from other when I need it, just like I want others to be blessed when I help them. Most of all, thank you for the gift of friendship and relationship with YOU and for the love and care you consistently and constantly pour onto me and on others. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Go connect with someone today (with social distance of course)! Have a great weekend! Stay well, sweet friends. "See" you next Friday. :)


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